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What the hell is Mental?

Learn about the innovative Mental approach and how it works.

Tyler Sheaffer avatar
Written by Tyler Sheaffer
Updated over a week ago

How is Mental different from other mental health apps?

Mental doesn’t focus on meditation or sitting and talking. It’s about taking action with the same tools used by pro athletes, Navy SEALs and the world’s leading entrepreneurs, but applicable to your life — whether you’re the world’s leading dad, son, husband, or pickleballer.

What challenges can this app help me solve?

Mental is designed to help you train your mind to deal with the stress of everyday life – work stress, financial stress, family stress, relationship stress, jackass-during-your-commute stress. If something winds you up, we’ve got a protocol, a framework, or personalized coaching to help you manage it. If you have a goal, we can help you achieve it. If you want a quick dose of “Mental-tainment” for a laugh or a chuckle, we’ve got that too.

How is this different from meditation or therapy?

First, the average cost of therapy is $150/hour. Mental? $0.10/day. You do the math. Second, our action-oriented tools are a lot more fun than meditation. Third, Mental fits into your maxed-out schedule with tools that are immediately applicable to the stressors of everyday life.

We don’t knock meditation or therapy. They’re great tools. But Mental challenges you even more to unlock your true potential and live your purpose. (And, meditation apps don’t swear!)

How quickly can I expect improvements in mindset and stress levels?

Most guys feel more energy and less stress after just their first cold shower. Over 90% of men go on to finish both levels of the cold shower protocol because of the improved mindset and stress levels. Other men feel a “click” from a mental tool or a key takeaway from a Daily Deuce, or from a piece of coaching from a Legend like Bruce Lee or Marcus Aurelius. The important thing is to take it one Daily Deuce at a time.

What is the science behind Mental’s approach, and how has it been validated?

Mental’s approach is grounded in evidence-based tools and the latest scientific research. Mental’s CEO is a PhD in neuroscience (ex-Stanford). A clinician/professor, who is an expert in men’s mental health, is involved in all content creation. We leverage the latest studies to create innovative and personalized ways to help you take action, control your stress and take your life to the next level.

Can Mental help with anxiety, ADHD, and depression?

Absolutely. Our Cold Shower Protocol, Daily Deuces, and AI coaching can be great tools to help manage anxiety, ADHD, and depression. As just one example, cold water immersion and tactical breathwork activate the vagus nerve response, which brings down your heart rate, controls stress and strengthens your immune system. By incorporating evidence-based techniques and personalized guidance, Mental helps you manage these challenges while promoting better sleep, more energy, and improved focus and concentration.

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